Cutting-edge Treatment of Anxiety Disorders and OCD

Lets do the work together

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Meet Dr. Dan Kalb

Longer-term more in-depth therapy can be appropriate for extensive, very complex, issues. When it comes to anxiety disorders, however, overwhelming research has proven that shorter-term treatments are highly successful.

For the past 20 years, I’ve devoted  the vast majority of my practice to briefer treatment aimed specifically at reducing the symptoms of anxiety and OCD.

In addition to working with individual adults, I meet with couples, provide consultation for other therapists, conduct in-service trainings for clinical staff, and teach workshops for mental health professionals.

I myself have had OCD since childhood. Happily, I’ve come to manage it, and other anxiety issues, very well. It’s very gratifying helping others do the same.

I’m an avid hiker, love adventure travel, and do the NY Times crossword daily. I also do my best to be a good sport when my wife beats me at Bananagrams.

View my services

Learn more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


  • Licensed Psychologist in California (PSY9804) for over 25 years
  • Graduated with top honors from Columbia University and the Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies
  • Taught numerous workshops and seminars for mental health organizations and practitioners.
  • Presenter at annual International OCD Foundation conferences
  • Member of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, the International OCD Foundation, the Marin Psychological Association, the San Francisco Psychological Association, and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Are you ready to take the first step?

Contact me today for complimentary 10-minute discussion about your situation. Together we can determine whether I'm a good fit.